MIDNIGHT CITY X MILES & LOUIE | One For My Baby (And One More For The Road)
Thursday, September 07, 2017
It may a surprise for you (he said sarcastically), but one of my all-time idols is ¨old blue eyes ¨ Frank Sinatra. I´ve always had a sort of sensibility for his songs and how they touch me in a deeply personal level... in a way, I see his songs as the soundtrack for my life.
In this photo shoot, I kept humming a song of his, the very same which became the title of this post. This is a song that has been scratching the back of my head for some time now, for it reminds me of a beautiful and brilliant girl for which my affections are directed towards.
I see her as sublime as anyone can be, and absolutely talented, I see the thing everybody searches in life when I stare into her eyes, I feel invincible besides her, is as if time disappears and everything but then and there with her is the only thing that matters. she's the kind of girl one thinks about while drinking at night regretting the mistakes one made towards her... when I was abroad on my hometown I drank a lot of Old Fashioneds and whiskey neat, trying to write the right thing so she would forgive me. Nothing came of that. So at times, there was only me and Sinatra, making love to our Whisky, both of us consoling each other while we sang of the women we love.
That was the first time that his music comforted me so and in a strange way knowing that his music fitted so well with my current predicament, made me feel a slight bit of joy.
In the same way, I had never felt so much the love he felt for the women he spoke of in his music because I had never felt so much for someone and I could've never imagined that I would meet a girl as simply sublime as the one I am speaking about.
So yeah... while I don't drink as much as Sinatra (who has his own edition of Jack Daniels) I still have one for my baby, while I imagine the way she looks tonight because I got her under my skin... in a sense, it's like Witchcraft.