Zona Maco 2017
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Well... Zona Maco is HUGE, and really that is not an understatement. The exhibition is filled with almost countless pieces of art from all over the world, made by unbelievably talented artists.
I had wanted to come to this exhibit for a long time now because I know how hard it is to fill a salon that large with so much amazing art and I just wanted to experience that.
In my opinion, art is the best thing we humans do, is what fills us on so many different levels, and I know some people are aware of this (well more than some, the place was filled with people, although not so much that you couldn't appreciate the art on a personal and intimate way) because the people that attended appreciated the art, they respected it and they felt it.
Another thing that I adored was the unofficial dress code people opted for, everyone looked as stylish as possible, bordering on formal (not unlike myself of course).
All and all it was an amazing show that I believe everyone should devote some time for them to attend.
P.S. This were my favorite pieces.